Sometimes God has some really great surprises in store for me.
It started with a fan email a few months ago advertising the Point of Grace and Mark Schultz Come Alive tour. I am a fan of both groups, but Mark Schultz has been my favorite Christian singer for quite some time. Knowing it was a long shot that they would even be close to me, I almost didn't even open it. Then I did.
I saw that the closest they would be touring would be Fargo on Nov. 6. That would be a possibility distance-wise, but how could I plan anything in the fall? I almost didn't even mention it to David. Then I did.
He actually thought it might be a good idea and agreed that I could order tickets. If we couldn't go, it would be a good charitable donation. So I did.
I tried not to get my hopes up. However, every day since I ordered those tickets, the concert would cross my mind--wondering if the latest rain would hold combining off too far or if something else would prevent us from going. I even asked my mom to start praying for rain for Nov. 5 or 6. As it turned out, we got rain every week up until this one, but we were still able to get the soybeans done in time.
As the date got closer, I began to see it miraculously unfold that we would most likely BOTH be able to go to the concert! I knew a week out when David asked when "we" were going to Fargo, things were looking good! Harvesting cooperated, David's parents were able to watch the kids, and so we took off on our little 24 hour vacation/early birthday present.
The concert was absolutely wonderful. There is nothing quite like Point of Grace's harmony. Mark Schultz' heartfelt songs are always awesome. Everyone at the sold-out show at Bethel Church was a fan of the performers, but it was praising God in song that was most important. It was absolutely awesome to sing along with so many of my favorite songs. His lyrics never fail to speak to my heart. So many are from God's point of view, which I think gives them added comfort.
My favorites:
"Remember me when the colors of a sunset fill the sky; remember me when you pray and tears of joy fall from your eyes." ("Remember Me")
"He's not just anyone, he's my son." ("He's My Son"--which I first heard when I was pregnant with Nathan)
"I AM the one who even knew you, before your birth, before you were. I AM . . . . ("I AM")
"He is, He was, He always will be. He lives, he loves, he's always with me. Even when it feels like there is no one holding me, be still, my soul. He is." ("He Is")
The inspiration from that most recent single came from a couple he heard about who had a baby on a Friday and found out the mother had terminal cancer on Sunday. The father said they couldn't praise God on a Friday and curse him on a Sunday. He is the same God every day. To have such great faith!

His newest CD is "Come Alive." Wow!
I am just so thankful everything worked out. It definitely made up for the awful birthday experience I had last year. 31 is better than 30 and it isn't even here yet!:o)
As we were leaving the concert, a girl was at the door handing out fliers for another upcoming concert in December featuring tobyMac and Kutless, another band that I have just discovered. Kutless' rendition of "It is Well" ROCKS. Even my kids think so and request it when we are driving. "What Faith Can Do" is a beautiful, powerful song and the reason I bought the CD in the first place. Wow, once again!
The December concert will not work for our schedule, but it wouldn't hurt to start praying that we can see them the next time they come through Fargo. I never know--it just might work out!